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Transition Services

Secondary Transition Services

The Rainier School District is committed to providing a coordinated set of transition activities for students who receive special education services. We want to help them move successfully from high school to post-school activities. Our focus is:

  • Based on the needs of the individual,
  • Carried out in partnership with families and the community, and,
  • Results Oriented, Outcome-Based.

Q: What is transition planning?


A: Transition planning is a collaboration involving students with disabilities, their families, school staff, community members and adult services agencies and employers. The goal of transition planning is to improve student academic and functional readiness in preparation for their lives after high school.


Q: When will my child receive support?


A: Beginning in high school, and until graduation or 21 years of age, students will receive staff support in the development and implementation of a Transition Plan.


Q: What are the components in a Transition Plan?


A: Components of the transition plan may include a functional vocational evaluation, specially-designed instruction, related services, interagency linkage, and employment and other post-school adult living objectives. Additionally, as appropriate, community experiences and daily living skills will also be an integral part of the student's program.


Transition Strands

Transition Services prepare students for one of the following post-school activities:

•· College

•· Community-Based Work

•· Supported Employment

•· Vocational Education


Family Partnership

Family involvement in the decision-making is vital to the development and implementation of the student's Transition Plan. Participation in Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meetings, follow-through activities, and the utilization of community linkages, all provide the foundation for a successful transition to post-school adult living. As this is a dynamic process, it is equally important for parents to maintain a dialogue with their son or daughter as they learn about themselves and their options. Working with school staff to encourage independent behavior will improve student success towards achieving post-school goals.


Secondary Transition Links

Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education: Know Your Rights and Responsibilities