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FBLA Information

Name _____________________________ Class Hour _________


Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)


Who: Anyone enrolled in a business class at Rainier is eligible to join FBLA. 


What: FBLA is a national organization for students who are preparing themselves for a role in business or are simply interested in business.


Where and When: FBLA will meet monthly on the fourth Friday of each month in room 235 during advisory (unless you are already involved with Interact or SkillsUSA—those clubs meet at the same time.) 


Why: FBLA is an awesome opportunity for you to meet other kids that have similar interests. There are conferences that promote leadership and building skills and also competitions for skill development. Go to to find out more.


How Much: Rainier’s FBLA Chapter costs $25 an academic year. $16 goes to state and national dues and the remainder goes to our local chapter. Our deadline for joining is October 1 for this year.



If after talking and researching you’d like to join FBLA please do so. It is easy . . .  pay your $25 (check made out to RHS) or money to the office and get a receipt. The receipt register is what we will report to FBLA for roster and verification. See you on the fourth Friday of each month.