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ASB Election Information


Requirements for Office


President:    --Sophomore or Junior class standing in the current school ye

                       --Prepare and present a positive speech, which clearly addresses prospective goals for your term in office, to be pre-approved by Mrs.                               Rossmaier by April 18

                       --Possess a current RHS ASB card and maintain 3.0 GPA 

                       --Commit to enrollment in Leadership Class/Advisory

Vice President:    --Sophomore or Junior class standing in the current school year

                              --Prepare and present a positive speech, which clearly addresses prospective goals for your term                                                          in                                   office, to be pre-approved by Mrs. Rossmaier by April 18.

                              --Possess a current RHS ASB card and maintain 3.0 GPA

                              --Commit to enrollment in Leadership Class/Advisory


Secretary:              --Freshmen, Sophomore or Junior class standing in the current year

                                --Prepare and present a positive speech, which clearly addresses prospective goals for your term in office, to be pre-approved by Mrs. Rossmaier by April 18.

                                --Completed Intro to Business with a B or better

                                --Possess a current RHS ASB card and maintain 3.0 GPA

                                --Commit to enrollment in Leadership Class/Advisory


Asst.  Treasurer: --Freshmen or Sophomore class standing in the current year

                               --Prepare and present a positive speech, which clearly addresses prospective goals for your term in office, to be pre-approved by Mrs. Rossmaier by April 18.

                               --Possess a current RHS ASB card and maintain 3.0 GPA

                               --Commit to enrollment in Accounting I and II

                               --Commit to enrollment in Leadership Class/Advisory

                               --Be committed to moving into Treasurer position next year

Sgt. At Arms:       --Sophomore or Junior class standing in the current school year

                              --Prepare and present a positive speech, which clearly addresses prospective goals for your term                                                          in                                  office, to be pre-approved by Mrs. Rossmaier by April 18.

                               --Possess a current RHS ASB card and maintain 3.0 GPA

                              --Commit to enrollment in Leadership Class/Advisory