Senior English Expectations
Senior English: Preparation for the REAL World
This course is designed to provide you with the best skills for effective communications in the REAL world: academically, professionally and personally. Daily, you will have an entry task of reading, a main focus topic of the day and closing with recording a journal entry about your personal learning, additionally on a daily basis a workplace communication skill will be reviewed and a personal finance component, as well. Each week you will use the internet to research colleges, scholarships, job market or other information pertinent to you. This class will prepare you for whatever pathway you choose after graduation: university, community college, apprenticeship, workplace or military.
| Monthly Focus | Workplace Communication | Personal Finance | Daily/Weekly Activities |
September | Grammar Review, Spelling, Writing Process | email and e-business | Budgeting and banking | · Entry Task: 15 minutes Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) · Reading from technical journals, current periodicals, classics, non-fiction and fiction. · Daily spelling test · Exit Task: 8 minutes journaling about your personal learning · Weekly-your own personal internet research: colleges, scholarships, job market information · Quarterly-book reports from SSR |
October | Essay Writing: Professional, college, scholarship | telephone/ teleconference | Getting/keeping a job . . . decipher your paycheck | |
November | Applications (job, college, scholarship) and work documents (resume, reference, follow up letters)—creating a portfolio for your future. | memo/letters job documents essays | Employer/Employee Benefits | |
December | Reading for Comprehension, Listening Skills and Nonverbal Communications | social networking | Fixed Expenses—Housing, Transportation | |
January | Integrated Research Project, Ethics and Visual Communications | presentation skills/tools | Taxation and YOU and FAFSA | |
February | Complete Integrated Research Project, synthesize information from a variety of sources to analyze validity, accuracy, effectiveness, and being able to draw conclusions from a piece of text and analyzing an author’s purpose. | computer presentation tools | Credit and You | |
March | Demonstrating and delivering effective personal presentation skills. Share your presentation, college and scholarship interviewing, job interview for apprenticeship, military or job force. | Communication: presentation preparation and personal skills | The how’s and why’s of insurance. | |
April | Short Report Writing--College and Career Readiness: Gather, analyze, synthesize and speculate about your chosen career field. Preparation for college entrance exams. | planning meetings, agendas and brainstorming | Investments and retirement | |
May | Writing and reading with purpose for the rest of your life. | acceptance or rejection letters/thank you notes | Creating your financial life. |
Rainier High School
Mrs. Sandy Rossmaier, Instructor
COURSE NAME | Senior English –CIP CODE # 520501 |
| The goals of the course are to: Review the students communication skills meeting the common core instructional areas of the English and Business curriculum. Integrate the English and Business curriculum core standards of Career Tech Education. Stimulate interest in career development. Add to and enhance the basic skills in written and verbal communication and technology. Enhance employability skills.
| Senior English is a course designed to provide students with the communication skills needed to effectively live in our world. This course includes: verbal, non-verbal, oral and written, reading, interpersonal and grammar fundamentals. This course will prepare you to function the REAL World. Instructional strategies may include the development of a business research project, real and/or simulated occupational experiences, or projects related to colleges, scholarships and job documents. GLE/EALRS are aligned for this course. Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is a co-curricular component of the Business Program. The student organization enhances classroom instruction, helps develop leadership skills, and provides opportunities for professional growth and service.
COURSE OUTLINE | · Safety · Business terms for the REAL World · See the monthly focus attached here. |
| Students are expected to meet all course goals and apply decision-making, critical thinking, problem solving, organizational, interpersonal, and leadership skills to real-life situations. The course integrates all academic areas into the curriculum. Teaching techniques such as group discussion, lectures, labs, and independent study will be implemented. Students will be involved in classroom activities, projects, and role-playing. Performance assessments, projects, class assignments, successful applications, employability skills, and tests will be used to assess the student’s progress. |
GRADING SCALE | Students will be graded on daily participation, tests, homework and projects. Overall grade will be based on 50% Attitude & Projects and 50% Homework &Tests The district grading scale that is listed in the student planner will be used in this course. |
ABSENCES | YOU MISS CLASS, YOU MISS OUT! Class performance based -activities cannot be made up. |
Rules, procedures, and routines | Daily reading, spelling test and journal entries will be followed by written assignments. Chapter reading and mapping, outlining, spelling, journalizing, exploratory/persuasive writing, discussion, projects and exams are the general activities along with a keyboarding basics component. |
| Daily assignments will be written on the board and on-line. Students are expected to enter the classroom, place book bags, coats, etc., in designated area, and begin their assignment. Students are expected to work individually (unless otherwise directed). Note: It is important that students DO NOT share his/her work. This is known as Plagiarism, which is a criminal offense. Should anyone be caught sharing, they will receive a Zero (0) for that assignment. Class assignments will consist of lectures, group discussion, and project presentations. |
ATTITUDE/WORK ETHIC | In this class you’re role modeling appropriate behavior, attitude, work ethic and courtesy is critical. Remember to come to class daily ready to respect yourself, others and property, be prepared and work hard. |
EQUIPMENT CARE | The equipment students will use is professional office equipment and should be treated as such. Students are expected to act in a professional, business-like manner while using this equipment. Food, Drinks, and Gum are PROHIBITED in this classroom. Students should never deface equipment, books, or office furniture in any way. |
DISCIPLINE PLAN | Any inappropriate language or behavior for the classroom shall be executed according to school rules. 1st offense: Verbal Warning 2nd offense: Task/Detention assigned and call home. 3rd offense: Referral to Principal *Behaviors that are deemed inappropriate can include but are not limited to: tardiness, inappropriate dress, foul language or attitude, lack of cleanliness, lack of respect in word or deed, not using time wisely, not bringing necessary materials to class. |
| Membership in FBLA costs $25 a year and is a co-curriculum opportunity of this class.
An integral part of the business program will be the Future Business Leaders of America. FBLA offers students a chance to experience leadership and other fundamentals of success, while engaging in fun and rewarding activities. The goals of FBLA include:
All business students are strongly encouraged to join FBLA. Through this organization, students can develop a positive self-image while gaining occupational skills. |
I have read and understand all of the information contained in the course syllabus for this course. I understand that in order to earn a passing grade I must adhere to ALL of the guidelines presented in this syllabus. I also understand that I am allowed to join FBLA.
Signature of Student: ______________________________________Date:____________
As the parent/guardian of a student taking SENIOR ENGLISH, I have read the syllabus and understand what is required of my child. I also agree to pay $25 so that my child will be a member of FBLA, if the student chooses to belong.
I also understand that I can access the Skyward system at any time to check the grades of my student.
Signature of Parent/Guardian: _______________________________Date:____________
Email Address:______________________________________________________________
If you have any questions regarding this syllabus, please list them below or contact the instructor at
(360)446-2205. You may also email me at
I am looking forward to a wonderful and productive year for all of us. Thank you for your cooperation.
Mrs. Sandy Rossmaier, BSED Instructor
Rainier High School