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Course Expectations


Industrial Technology

Beginning Woodworking

Instructor: John Lybecker

Course description:

The intention of this course is to introduce the students to the world of woodworking. Students successfully completing this course should have a broad foundation in the field of woodworking, and be able to handle basic projects in the future. There are a wide array of tools and materials that will be used in this course. Hazards in the woodworking industry will be covered and students will learn to identify and avoid these situations.

Essential Learning Requirements

(ELRs) as outlined by the State that will be covered are listed.

Math: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3

Reading: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3

Health and Fitness: 1.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 4.1

Communication: 1.1, 1.2, 3.1, 3.2

Writing: 2.4, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3

The Arts:1.2, 2.1, 3.1, 4.2

Science: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3

Enduring understandings

Units of instruction will include:


Week 1-

What is wood... Identifying hardwoods, softwoods Common uses of different wood types. Sheet stock, dimensional lumber, structural materials

and determining board footage and costs of materials in a project. Safety is emphasized.

Week 2 -

Hand tools and their proper use. Making a birdhouse or a Bat House.

Emphasis will be on layout, tool names, use, care and maintenance.

Students will learn to read and follow a plan, cut out and assemble a birdhouse using hand tools as well as portable power tools. Units of instruction on abrasives will be covered during this time as well. Safety is emphasized.




Weeks - 3, 4 & 5

Power tools and their proper use. Making a cutting board (8” x 20”)

Each of the following machines will be demonstrated to the student then the student will use the machine with close instructor supervision to ensure understanding and safe practices.

Radial Arm Saw, Surface Planer, Jointer, Table saw, Drill Press, Band Saw, Table Router, Disk & Belt Sander, Spindle Sander, Drum - Panel Sander

Units of instruction on wood adhesives will be covered during this time as well.

Weeks - 6, 7

Wood joints and their construction. Making a small box using the rabbet and dado joints. Using the table saw, students will create a small box with a lid.

Weeks - 8 & 9

Wood joints and their construction. Making a picture frame.

Students will design and create a picture frame incorporating the rabbet and miter joints. Students will also learn to layout and safely cut glass.

Quarter Exam, Birdhouse, cutting board, small box and picture frame are due.

Weeks 10 & 11

Students will design and create a toy or game make of wood. Elements of design are learned.

Weeks 12 & 13


The wood lathe. Students will create a bowl with matching lid.

Use of inside and outside calipers and various lathe tools will be learned.

Students will learn tool sharpening such as lathe tools, plane blades, chisels, and drill bits in this unit as well.


Weeks 14 - 18


Finishing techniques and furniture construction.

Carving techniques. Student makes a 3 dimensional carving and a carved sign.

Units of instruction will be covered on various wood finishes and jigs and fixtures used in the woodworking industry.

Semester Exam, toy or game, bowl with lid, 3 dimensional carving and a carved sign. are due.

Weeks 19 - 22

Mass production techniques. Students choose a class project to complete that incorporates the use of jigs, fixtures, and organizational tools to maximize productivity. Business techniques and practices will be learned to enhance efficiency of work, maximizing productivity and time management.





Weeks 23 - 30

Cabinet making techniques. Cabinet and carcass furniture making methods and proper joinery are covered in this unit.. Students design and construct a cabinet with door and or drawer or furniture item of equal complexity.

Weeks 31 - 36

Students learn to construct mortise and tennon joinery by designing and creating a stool.

End of year exam. Mass production, cabinet and stool projects are due.

Grading policy:

Grades are determined by the daily written work, weekly quizzes, time cards, projects and exams.

The week’s assignments are posted on the black board each Monday for all classes and will be posted on Mr. Lybecker’s website calendar.

Students are expected to write the weeks assignments in their planner each Monday.

Extra credit will be given to all students that turn in independent Internet research reports at a rate of up to 50 points per month depending on relevance and quality. . All currently assigned course work must be completed and turned in in order to get extra credit.

Attendance may change grade!

It is imperative to be in class daily, as there will be lecture, discussion and demonstrations critical to the understanding of the subject matter being taught.

Students will get their grade lowered 1 (one) full letter grade for every 5 days absent from this class. Students should work in the lab before or after school to make up missed class time. For each hour a students makes up on their own it is worth one full class period.

Grading scale:

A 94 - 100

A- 90 - 93

B+ 87 - 89

B 83 - 86

C 72 - 75

C- 68 - 71

D+ 64 - 67

D 60 - 63

F 0 - 59

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