Course Expectations
Industrial Technology Beginning Metalworking
Instructor - John Lybecker
Course description:
The intention of this course is to introduce the students to the world of metalworking. Students successfully completing this course should have a broad foundation in the field of metalworking, and be able to handle basic projects in the future. There are a wide array of tools and materials that will be used in this course. Hazards in the metal fabrication industry will be covered and students will learn to identify and avoid these situations.
Essential Learning Requirements (ELRs) as outlined by the State that will be covered are listed.
Math: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3
Reading: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3
Health and Fitness: 1.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 4.1
Communication: 1.1, 1.2, 3.1, 3.2
Writing: 2.4, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3
The Arts:1.2, 2.1, 3.1, 4.2
Science: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
Week 1 - Introduction & Course Overview, What is metal and how is it used? Plasma arc cutting.
Week 2 - Shop safety, Tools of the Trade-Hand tools, Power Tools, Reading a Ruler / Dial Caliper,
Week 3 - Operating the oxy-acetylene torch, Free hand cutting, Gas welding,
Shop safety - Torch, Plasma-cutter and Grinders, Avoiding electrical shock, pinch points, burns.
Week 4 - Gas welding a mild steel (Waterproof Box) Corner welds using the Gas Torch and TIG welder.
Shop safety - Avoiding burns, cleaning up spills, Materials handling.
Week 5 - (BRAZING a BRONTOSAURUS) or other 3-D figure with brass, flux and misc. pieces of steel.
Shop safety - Fumes, confined space work, ventilation.
Week 6 - Lab time to work on Gas Cutting / Welding / Brazing. (4” straight & 1” circle freehand cuts with oxy-acetylene torch.) Math for Welders Unit 2.
Week 7 - - Introduction to forging (GATE HOOK PROJECT)
Shop safety - Avoiding burns around the forge, handling hot materials.
Week 8 Practice what you know. Spray painting and metal finishes. Math for Welders Unit 3.
Shop safety - Fireman guest speaker. Avoiding mixing incompatible materials, Cleaning up spills,
Spontaneous Combustion of finishes and rags.
Week 9 - Introduction to arc welding (CACTUS PROJECT)
Shop safety - Avoiding burns and shock and electromagnetic radiation. Wet glove warning.
1st Quarter exam. Waterproof box, gate hook and brazing projects due.
Week 10 - Hot bending, twisting for cactus base. Cold stamping name on project.
Welding rod identification. Math for Welders Unit 4.
Lab time provided for project work on cactus project.
Week 11 - Arc welding a bead. (4 x 4 Pad project). Lab time provided for project work.
Math for Welders Unit 5.
Week 12 - Introduction to sheet metals and tools of the industry. Reds, Yellows and Greens / Pop rivets?
Practice what you know. Math for Welders Unit 6.
Week 13 - Building a (Sheet metal box). Lab time provided for project work.
Math for Welders Unit 7.
Week 14 - Arc welding with E-6011. (4” Butt Joint project) Lab time provided for project work.
Math for Welders Unit 8 .
Week 15 - Arc welding with E-6011. (4” Fillet weld project) Lab time provided for project work.
Math for Welders Unit 9.
Week 16 - Arc welding with E-6011. (4” Corner weld project) Lab time provided for project work.
Math for Welders Unit 10.
Week 17 - Arc welding with E-6011. (4” Lapp weld project) Lab time provided for project work.
Math for Welders Unit 11.
Week 18 - Practice what you know.
Semester Exam, Cactus, Pad, Butt Weld, Fillet Weld, Corner Weld, Lapp Weld, Sheet metal box due.
Week 19 - Introduction to soldering techniques. (Soldering copper pipe project.)
Lab time provided for project work on cactus project. Math for Welders Unit 12.
Week 20 - Introduce MGAW welding, (4” Butt Joint project with MIG) Lab time provided for project work. Math for Welders Unit 13.
Week 21 - (4” Fillet weld project with MGAW) Lab time provided for project work.
Math for Welders Unit 14.
Week 22 - (4” Corner weld project with MGAW) Lab time provided for project work.
Math for Welders Unit 15.
Week 23 - (4” Lapp weld project with MGAW) Lab time provided for project work.
Math for Welders Unit 16.
Week 24 - Introduce vertical MIG welding techniques. (Butt Joint project, MGAW, vertical up) Lab time provided for project work. Math for Welders Unit 17.
Week 25 - (Fillet weld project, MGAW, vertical up) Lab time provided for project work.
Math for Welders Unit 18.
Week 26 - (Corner weld project, MGAW, vertical up) Lab time provided for project work.
Math for Welders Unit 19.
Week 27 - (Lapp weld project, MGAW, vertical up) Practice what you know.
Third Quarter Exam, Pipe soldering project and all MGAW welds due.
Week 28 - Introduction to TGAW. (Butt weld, flat on m/s) Lab time provided for project work on cactus project. Math for Welders Unit 20.
Week 29 - (Fillet weld m/s with TGAW) Lab time provided for project work.
Math for Welders Unit 21.
Week 30 - (Corner weld with TGAW on m/s)
Practice what you know. Math for Welders Unit 22.
Week 31 - (Lap weld with TGAW on m/s) Lab time provided for project work.
Math for Welders Unit 23.
Week 32 - Arc welding with E-6011. (Pipe to plate @ 90) Lab time provided for project work.
Math for Welders Unit 24.
Week 33 - Arc welding with E-6011. (Pipe to pipe T-joint @ 90) Lab time provided for project work.
Math for Welders Unit 25.
Week 34 - Arc welding with E-6011. (Pipe to pipe corner @90) Lab time provided for project work.
Math for Welders Unit 26.
Week 35 - Arc welding with E-7018. (4” long, vertical up butt weld project with 7018) Lab time provided for project work.
Math for Welders Unit 27.
Week 36 - Practice what you know.
Semester Exam, all projects are due.
Mathematical calculations
- Students will be figuring weights, lengths, bend allowances, figuring angular, linear, triangular and circular measure, use of the metric system and converting back and forth between the inch/pound system and the SI system. Percentages, volume, decimals, fractions, whole and mixed numbers, are some of the other units studied in this course.
Grading policy:
Grades are determined by the daily written work, weekly quizzes, time cards, projects and exams.
The week’s assignments are posted on the white board each Monday for all classes and will be posted on Mr. Lybecker’s website calendar.
Students are expected to write the weeks assignments in their planner each Monday.
Extra credit will be given to all students that turn in independent internet research reports at a rate of up to 50 points per month depending on relevance and quality. . All currently assigned course work must be completed and turned-in in order to get extra credit.
Attendance may change grade!
It is imperative to be in class daily as there will be lecture, discussion and demonstrations critical to the understanding of the subject matter being taught.
Students will get their grade lowered 1 (one) full letter grade for every 5 days absent from this class. Students should work in the lab before or after school to make up missed class time. Each hour students makes up on their own is worth one full class period (90min).
Grading scale:
A 94 - 100
A- 90 - 93
B+ 87 - 89
B 83 - 86
B- 80 - 82
C+ 76 - 79
C 72 - 75
C- 68 - 71
D+ 64 - 67
D 60 - 63
F 0 - 59