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Yearbook Contract

Yearbook Statement of Commitment and



For: ____________________________________________________


Being on the Yearbook staff is a privilege and a responsibility. In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts concerning expectations, please read this contract carefully before signing below.




1. I understand that Yearbook class has little homework, but I will need to work before and/or after school, on weekends, or during school breaks if necessary in order to meet my deadlines.

2. I realize that working on the yearbook requires a professional attitude. I will strive toward fairness, accuracy and good judgment in covering the school year, and in working with my staff colleagues. I will accept fair criticism of my work, and strive to keep learning and improving my skill level.

3. I agree that yearbook production requires teamwork, and that I will work hard at performing my role as a team member - I will work whenever possible to help others achieve their goals and deadlines. I also need to help meet the book's budget by helping to sell ads and participating in any fundraising activities.

4. I will be expected to make a commitment to excellence and timeliness regarding yearbook work.

5. I will be responsible for school-owned equipment: including digital cameras, lenses, film cards, batteries, scanners, camera bags, computers, and software. I understand that I will be required to pay for lost or damaged equipment if equipment is lost, broken, or damaged while checked out to me. Computer equipment must be cared for in a businesslike manner and misuse will not be tolerated.

6. I understand that if, at any time, I fail to meet these standards, I may be relieved of staff duties and risk class failure.


                                                                                          Signature of Student




We have read the above contract and agree to support the program as detailed.



                                                                                          Signature of Parent