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Integrated Science Expectations


Class Time: 8:25-9:24

Room: Portable 27

Instructor: Ms. Dickerson


What is this class about?  Integrated Science is a two semester course that covers NGSS standards for Physical Science and Earth and Space Science. Physical science is studied to increase knowledge and to improve technology and the quality of life. This is a student-centered course that uses laboratory experiments, research, projects, presentations, and science fair projects to develop and demonstrate understanding of scientific concepts.

Expectations:  (Four P’s) Be… polite, productive, positive, and prepared

Grading Scale

A   100-94                    C+  79-77

A-   93-90                    C    76-74

B+  89-87                     C-  73-70

B    86-84                     D    69-60

B-   83-80                    F    below 60

Where to go if you need help?

Don’t wait until the assignment is due to ask for help!  I am happy to help you with your work ahead of time. I am available for help before and after school. You may also reach me by email at


It is important that you attend class on a regular basis.  If you are absent, you will miss the chance to participate in a variety of learning activities.  It is your responsibility to get any assignments you miss if you are absent.  You are responsible for making up assignments even if you miss for a school related reason (including sports). 

Where can you get assignments when gone?  Email me, look on class calendar on-line, look in Google Classroom, ask a friend, etc.  If you miss notes, they will be available in Google Classroom.

Late Work:

All homework is due by the date of the exam for that unit. After the exam has been taken, homework will no longer be accepted for that section. Homework will be done in your composition notebook, turned into the box, or turned in electronically (Google Classroom or email). Labs and exams that were missed will be handled on a case by case scenario. Expect to complete the item the day of your return (if pre-arranged) or the day after (excused but not pre-arranged).

Electronic Devices:

Expect to use online resources often both in and outside of class. You will be expected to utilize Google Classroom, Khan Academy, YouTube, and other scientific resources throughout the year. If you do not have internet access at home it is your responsibility to come in before school, after school, or work on your lunch time to get the assignments completed. There are computers available in the library that may be taken home to complete an assignment.

Responsible use of your device include looking up information regarding the topic being discussed, checking Google Classroom for due dates or assignments, and using the calculator function. If you cannot handle your device properly, it will be placed in your backpack and not used for the rest of the class. If your device becomes a recurring distraction parents will be contacted and a plan will be put into place to correct the distraction.


Blue or black pens


Composition Book

Color pencils/Markers


Science Fair Materials (when needed)

Grade Breakdown:

15%  Assignments

25%  Labs

30%  Projects

30%  Assessments