### Welcome
Welcome to
Mrs. Caldwell's class!
Hello! I am Ashley Caldwell (formerly Russ). I'm beginning my 13th year of teaching this year and my 11th year at RHS! I joined Rainier High School as an English teacher in the fall of 2013. I grew up in Port Orchard, Washington, and graduated from South Kitsap High School in 2005. I graduated from Western Washington University in June of 2010 with my Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Secondary Education. I graduated from Walden University in August of 2016, completing my Master's in Education Science focusing on Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment.
I will be on maternity leave until the end of January.
Sarah Roberts is my maternity sub and can be contacted at robertss@rainier.wednet.edu
Please email me with any questions, comments, or concerns at caldwella@rainier.wednet.edu
My schedule for the 2023 - 2024 school year:
1. AP English Literature & Composition
3. English 9
6. English 9
I was fortunate to have a profile piece written about my time at RHS. I love my students!
Rainier High School Teacher a Favorite Among Students