Absent Policy
Attendance in this class is a fundamental element of success. Come to class each day prepared to fully engage myself and your classmates with your insights on reading and writing. According to the Rainier HS Handbook, students are allowed 2 make-up days for each day of an excused absence. If a student is absent 2 days in a row, then they have 2 days from the day they have returned to complete the work. This policy only applies to absences that have been excused. This also includes quizzes and tests. Work will be considered late beyond the 2 days. Late work will automatically be reduced by 20%. Assignments that have advanced due dates are due on that date no matter what excuse. If you have known of a due date for over a week, your assignment is still due that day.
HOWEVER, for students who are in the Advanced Placement English class, LATE WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. These students are being help to a college standards regarding late work because this is a college-level course.
Students are responsible for gathering their work from the Absent Work wall, Google Classroom, and/or myself.