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Free Images, Audio and Video

Creative Commons Search

Offers a search page that links to thirteen sources of Creative Commons licensed media. A great one stop shop for copyright free media.

Free Images!


Pics4Learning is a curated image library that is safe and free for education. Teachers and students can use the copyright-friendly photos and illustrations for classroom projects, web sites, videos, portfolios, or any other projects in an educational setting.


Wikimedia Commons

A collection of media files including Images, Sounds, and Videos. 

A good place to find and download quality public domain images. You can search on Pixabay by using keywords or you can simply browse through the library of images. When you find an image you can download it in the size that suits your needs. Registered users do not have to enter a captcha code to download images. Users who do not register can download images, but they do have to enter a captcha code before downloading each picture.

New York Public Library's Free Images

Over 180,000 manuscripts, maps, photographs, sheet music, lithographs, postcards, and other images!

Library of Congress

Contains public domain images and text that are searchable and free to use.

The Internet Archive

is a great place to find images, videos, audio recordings, and texts that are in the Public Domain. While most of the works are in the Public Domain not all of them are so make sure you check the license attached to each artifact. 

Morgue File

Provides free photos with license to remix. The Morgue File photo collection contains thousands of images that anyone can use for free in academic or commercial presentations.

The Commons on Flickr

A good resource for students in need of images for multimedia projects for history, literature, and other content areas. A requirement of contributors to The Commons is that all images are made available without copyright restrictions.

The Digital Comic Museum

A crowd-sourced collection of hundreds of classic comic books that are now in the public domain. Register users can download these comics from the site. You can browse the galleries to find comics to download. If know the name of a comic or comic publisher you can search for it by name. 


An image search engine designed to quickly find, cite, and use Creative Commons licensed images. Wylio results only return images that are listed with a Creative Commons license.

Free Audio!


Common sounds like doorbells ringing, dogs barking, or car horns honking to use in a multimedia project.


Internet Archive

Collection of music and other audio recordings that you can download for free, although not everything that is available to download for free is eligible to be reused for free.



Free recordings contains performances of the works of hundreds of composers. The collection can be searched by composer, by performer, by instrument, or by form.



Resource for sound effects



Search Royalty-Free Music


FreePlay Music

Free to use music searchable by genre and mood. Requires account creation and description of use before download. Be sure to indicate it is for education in school use for assignments.


Jamendo Music

Free and legal music downloads. While not all of the music is licensed for re-use, there is a substantial collection of music labeled with a Creative Commons license.


Sound Bible

Free sound clips, sound effects, and sound bites.


Free Music Archive
The content on Free Music Archive is used under various creative commons licenses.

Vimeo Music Store

Offers more than 45,000 music tracks. Not all of the tracks are free or Creative Commons licensed, but roughly one-third or more of them are. In the Vimeo Music Store you can search for music by genre, license type, price, and length.

The National Jukebox

An archive of more than 10,000 recordings made by the Victor Talking Machine Company between 1901 and 1925. These are recordings that were made using an acoustical recording process that captured sounds on wax cylinders. The recordings in the archive can be searched and listened to on your computer. You can search the archives by recording date, recording type, language, and target audience. The National Jukebox has also arranged playlists that you can listen to in a continuous stream. You can also embed the recordings player into your blog or website.